***Let me preface this post with this: I hope no one dies or is injured in any accident. Period.***
Now, let me tell you something you already know: There ain’t NOTHING good about a car accident.
Accidents ruin your day.
And my commute.
And the commute of, literally, hundreds (thousands?) of people you have inconvenienced because you were driving too fast, failed to signal when changing lanes, didn’t look when changing lanes, didn’t see the person in front of you slowing down or stopping, were driving too close to the person in front of you etc. etc. etc.
How many people have you made late to work, to school, to an important meeting, to an interview, to a doctor’s appointment? Bet you didn’t think of that did you?!
And add to the whole mess that every single person driving by your accident slows down to look. We are a voyeuristic species, hoping to get a glimpse of something gruesome or seeing if you know someone involved in the crash. #rubbernecking
The reality is, maybe all accidents can’t be avoided. But I’d be willing to wager that most can. You’re gonna hear this word a lot from me….fewer accidents will require….FOCUS.

Pay attention to the roads people! And to the cars around you! Be a defensive driver like you were taught in drivers ed. And lift that lead foot on up!
I would rather get to my destination 5 minutes late than get in an accident ANY day. But I also don’t ever want to be the driver that caused a gazillion people to have to sit on the highway that is now a parking lot.
This is actually a very thorough article on what to do if you do happen to get into an accident:
Art of Manliness: What to Do if You Get in a Car Accident
This too:
Resources: https://www.nsc.org/road-safety | http://fortune.com/2017/02/15/traffic-deadliest-year
I’m sure I’ll be writing a lot more on this topic, but for now, google ‘what to do in an accident’ and you’ll find an insane number of articles and videos…most of which are from lawyers and insurance companies. Ah, America!