
Hiding Behind Those (Tinted) Windows

Tinted car windows, especially the completely dark ones, drive me crazy. In my experience on the roads, it has given the driver of that car license to do really stupid and careless things on the road and no one can see who the culprit is. Drivers already have a decent level of anonymity. Behave…

Quit Riding Your Brakes

Do people who ride their brakes drive you as crazy as they do me? Probably not. But that’s why I write the blog and you don’t. I fantasize about being able to 'talk' to those drivers (and many others) and ask them why they do it. Not only do other drivers not know what the heck you are doing when…

Halloween Driving

I came across a timely article while doing research for another blog entry today. Halloween is later this week. I’d never really thought of Halloween in relation to driving, but low and behold, there is a connection! A “AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety analysis of national pedestrian fatality…

Is Drunk Driving Still a Thing?

I don’t know about you, but I guess I sort of thought that drunk driving was a thing of the past. I mean, with emergence of Uber and Lyft, why would anyone ever drive a car while intoxicated? It’s just so stupid and unnecessary. Well, apparently it is still a thing. I know this because I recently…

#MoveOver for Emergency Vehicles

I choose to believe that the majority of drivers don’t know what to do when an emergency vehicle is in their midst, lights flashing, sirens blaring.  Why else would they stupidly just keep driving like nothing is happening? Some people think they know what to do – get over – but they don’t always…

Crossing the Line(s)

In life, people cross the line all the time. The roads are no different. Most of us had to take drivers education. Yes? So, one of the basic things we learn in drivers ed is what the different line colors and types mean. “Highway markings, used alone or to supplement other traffic control devices,…

Granny, Get Out My Way!

You may have read about Britain’s 97-year-old Prince Philip’s recent car accident. The incident got international headlines, rightly so, and once again begged the question: when are you too old to drive? In 2017, people 65 and older made up 18% of all traffic fatalities. And, some studies claim…

Litter Bugs Beware

I have to say, I’m always amazed that just when I think I have run out of blog ideas another one just drops in my lap. Or in this case, on the road. You can always count on bad drivers to give you material. Today, my subject is throwing trash out the window of your car. What Neanderthal would do…

Scoot On Out of My Way

Lime. Spin. Bird. Jump. Raise your hand if you’ve ever almost run over someone on one of these: Yeah, me too. Kid was on the far side of a Suburban (gigantic SUV) and essentially invisible to me. Nearly ran him down. This “micro-mobility” trend (yup, you heard that right), according to the…

Distracted Driving: Kids

Distracted driving. When we hear the phrase, we tend to immediately think of texting. A few other front-seat actions that take our eyes and attention off the road – looking up directions, changing a radio station – might also come to mind. But for parents, the disturbances in the back seat(s) can…