Month: August 2019

#MoveOver for Emergency Vehicles

I choose to believe that the majority of drivers don’t know what to do when an emergency vehicle is in their midst, lights flashing, sirens blaring.  Why else would they stupidly just keep driving like nothing is happening? Some people think they know what to do – get over – but they don’t always…

Crossing the Line(s)

In life, people cross the line all the time. The roads are no different. Most of us had to take drivers education. Yes? So, one of the basic things we learn in drivers ed is what the different line colors and types mean. “Highway markings, used alone or to supplement other traffic control devices,…

Granny, Get Out My Way!

You may have read about Britain’s 97-year-old Prince Philip’s recent car accident. The incident got international headlines, rightly so, and once again begged the question: when are you too old to drive? In 2017, people 65 and older made up 18% of all traffic fatalities. And, some studies claim…