
Dear speedster, listen to me

A recent column in the Baltimore Sun grabbed my attention. Paula Beres, a mother and grandmother and a retired librarian, wrote about the people who use the highway -- in her case I-95 -- as a speedway - like, 'I am going to weave in and out of traffic as fast as I can and maybe I'll even race…

Highway as Daytona International Speedway

You may wonder why I haven’t written about this rather obvious topic before now. Well, let’s just say, I fancy myself an “efficient” driver. And by efficient, I mean I drive with focus, and without hesitation. Ok, I speed. But I do have my limits. (You see what I did there?!) via GIPHY I have…

Car driving fast

The Left Lane: Chances are, You Need to Get Out of It

Have you ever been driven (pun intended) to flash your brights at someone in front of you going too darn slow in the left lane? Ok, well, I only use it as a last resort, but…. The left lane is the passing lane. Meaning, in regular traffic circumstances, you go there to pass someone moving slower…