Month: May 2019

School Bus? STOP!

I just watched a rather disturbing report on the “Today Show” about a driver in Minnesota who completely ignored the red flashing lights and extended stop arm protruding from the side of a school bus and nearly ran over a child crossing the road to board. Idiot. And, near murderer.  Oh, and the…

Ridiculous Roundabouts

It would appear VERY FEW PEOPLE in America know how to properly navigate a traffic circle, or roundabout. via GIPHY If I have to sit behind another person who either won’t go or just inches out like they’re dipping their toe in a freezing cold pool, I’m gonna scream! via GIPHY Lots of different…

Highway as Daytona International Speedway

You may wonder why I haven’t written about this rather obvious topic before now. Well, let’s just say, I fancy myself an “efficient” driver. And by efficient, I mean I drive with focus, and without hesitation. Ok, I speed. But I do have my limits. (You see what I did there?!) via GIPHY I have…