It would appear VERY FEW PEOPLE in America know how to properly navigate a traffic circle, or roundabout.


If I have to sit behind another person who either won’t go or just inches out like they’re dipping their toe in a freezing cold pool, I’m gonna scream!


Lots of different sources say what WikiHow does:

Roundabouts “are increasingly being used because they ease congestion, cost less to operate, reduce accidents by roughly half (really?!), and use less energy than traditional light-operated intersections.”

All fairly compelling reasons I’d say.

So, it doesn’t seem like they’re going away anytime soon so y’all better learn to how to do the roundabout right!

Here’s an excellent video from GEICO (yup) on how to properly navigate the dreaded traffic circle:

How Stuff Works covers the history of roundabouts, their design, the benefits and more tips on how to drive in them in case you just can’t get enough.

At the end of the day, you’ve gotta get out there when an opening presents itself. You can’t sit there hoping for an empty circle cause it ain’t gonna come!


WikiHow: How to Navigate a Roundabout

How Stuff Works: How Roundabouts Work 

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