Month: February 2019

The “Orange” Light

Something we’ve ALL done is speed through what I like to call the “Orange” light. You know the one, somewhere between yellow and red. As in, the yellow light is on the verge of turning red and you think, “I can make it!” According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety's 2016 Traffic Safety…

Metaphor for Life (and Driving): Stay in your Lane

Ever seen a car next to you coming over into your lane? Or driving smack in the middle of two lanes? Or worse, coming straight at you IN your lane? Good for a nice little heart attack. It happens more often than I care to say. I find myself wondering what the heck that driver is thinking. Clearly,…

The Seemingly Hard to Understand 4-Way Stop

Since I started writing this blog, I’ve had a lot of people ask that I write on the subject of the 4-way stop. Apparently, there is a collective belief that people don’t seem to know what the heck to do when faced with one. I’m here to help. The simple rule is this: “Automobiles leave the stop sign…