Common Courtesy

Dear speedster, listen to me

A recent column in the Baltimore Sun grabbed my attention. Paula Beres, a mother and grandmother and a retired librarian, wrote about the people who use the highway -- in her case I-95 -- as a speedway - like, 'I am going to weave in and out of traffic as fast as I can and maybe I'll even race…

Quit Riding Your Brakes

Do people who ride their brakes drive you as crazy as they do me? Probably not. But that’s why I write the blog and you don’t. I fantasize about being able to 'talk' to those drivers (and many others) and ask them why they do it. Not only do other drivers not know what the heck you are doing when…

Litter Bugs Beware

I have to say, I’m always amazed that just when I think I have run out of blog ideas another one just drops in my lap. Or in this case, on the road. You can always count on bad drivers to give you material. Today, my subject is throwing trash out the window of your car. What Neanderthal would do…

Mind the Ginormous Gap

I like to think of myself as an “efficient” driver. I maneuver around other cars on the road – safely, of course – to keep moving toward my destination. Often times, I find myself in the left, AKA fast, lane. And there is little else that drives me quite as crazy – ok, who am I kidding? – than…

Traffic Light Hang-Backers

Have you ever sat at a red traffic light behind someone who is too far back from the stop line? And, the light stays red and stays red and stays red….? via GIPHY According to, “At most traffic lights and turn signals, you will notice a loop of wire buried in the pavement of the…


Headlights - The High Beam Kind

I think we can all agree, being blinded by someone who has their “brights” on is beyond annoying. Aside from spots seared onto my retinas, it’s dangerous. You seriously can be temporarily blinded by them. Kinda like this: I always wonder, did they turn their brights on by accident? Do they not…

Don’t Block the &*$^#@ Box

I’m not sure how I’ve survived this long without writing a post about “blocking the box.” This blog is, after all, about venting on what dummy drivers do. I get so furious when this happens. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, here is what it means to “block the box”: When a driver enters an…

The Seemingly Hard to Understand 4-Way Stop

Since I started writing this blog, I’ve had a lot of people ask that I write on the subject of the 4-way stop. Apparently, there is a collective belief that people don’t seem to know what the heck to do when faced with one. I’m here to help. The simple rule is this: “Automobiles leave the stop sign…

Get the Dang Snow Off Your Car Roof

It seems à-propos at this time of year – winter – to talk about massive flying discs of snow that come hurling at you on the highway at high rates of speed, usually after going over a bump in the road.   And, while I don’t get as riled up about this subject as others, that’s probably only…

The Emergency Lane: Your Personal Lane?

Picture this: Bumper to bumper traffic. A sea of brake lights. Rush hour. We’re all in a shared traffic hell.  And then you see a/n [INSERT EXPLETIVE OF YOUR CHOICE HERE] fly down the emergency lane because he just can’t be bothered with waiting like the rest of us. He’s decided to make the…