These routes run deep.

Like a lot of you, my job forces me to commute every single day. And, I’ll admit, I’m not fond of driving. There are just too many people on the road. There are too many people who are reckless, discourteous or just plain dangerous on the road.

It’s every man/woman for him/herself. It’s “I’m never gonna see you again, so I don’t care that I just cut you off.”

You get the picture.

Frankly, drivers drive me crazy.

Combine an increasingly selfish world with the anonymity of being behind the wheel and a lack of knowledge or practice of road rules and you get some pretty nasty conditions.

I’m no expert. But, in some ways I am.

Every single day on my commute I inventory all the things drivers do that break the law or just make it more challenging or unsafe for everyone else around them. Like, people who decide to make the emergency lane their own personal lane. Or people who don’t use a blinker. Or people who don’t know where the heck they’re going. Or people who are texting (literally typing) while driving. Need I go on? The list is not only long, it’s endless.

I find myself wondering: do these people not KNOW the rules of the road or have they forgotten what they learned in drivers ed? Or, more likely, do they just not care?

Well, I’m here to give you a little primer on the rules of the road. I’ll cite the law when I can, but some of your road rules will differ where you live. I suspect most are pretty universal. I’ll provide some resources on where to learn more, too.

I’ll try not to be snarky; I will inevitably be sassy.

Hopefully you’ll be entertained. Hopefully, this blog is a place where you can vent, share your driving experiences, or offer up other blog topics. And maybe, you’ll even learn something!
