Picture this: Bumper to bumper traffic. A sea of brake lights. Rush hour. We’re all in a shared traffic hell. 

And then you see a/n [INSERT EXPLETIVE OF YOUR CHOICE HERE] fly down the emergency lane because he just can’t be bothered with waiting like the rest of us.

He’s decided to make the emergency lane his own personal lane. Never mind that the rest of us are sitting there, abiding by the law, just as anxious to get to our destinations.

Such arrogance. Such rudeness. Such self-righteousness. Such impatience.

Where are the cops when you really need them? How rare is it to see that same [INSERT EXPLETIVE….] get caught?

All I can do is lay on my horn. And when I do, I usually get an indignant response. How DARE I call them out on their bad/rude/illegal behavior?!

Driving in the emergency lane is illegal unless you are told to do so by the authorities (as in the Highway Patrol). It is there for drivers in an emergency, for emergency vehicles and the like. It is NOT intended for travel. The charge would be something like “Failure To Drive In Established Lane.”

Google this topic and you’ll see this is well beyond a U.S. issue. It’s one around the world!

It really is the height of selfishness, the “it’s all about me” syndrome. Just don’t do it. [Sorry Nike.]

Resources: When is it ok to drive in the emergency lane?