Distracted Driving

Halloween Driving

I came across a timely article while doing research for another blog entry today. Halloween is later this week. I’d never really thought of Halloween in relation to driving, but low and behold, there is a connection! A “AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety analysis of national pedestrian fatality…

Is Drunk Driving Still a Thing?

I don’t know about you, but I guess I sort of thought that drunk driving was a thing of the past. I mean, with emergence of Uber and Lyft, why would anyone ever drive a car while intoxicated? It’s just so stupid and unnecessary. Well, apparently it is still a thing. I know this because I recently…

Distracted Driving: Kids

Distracted driving. When we hear the phrase, we tend to immediately think of texting. A few other front-seat actions that take our eyes and attention off the road – looking up directions, changing a radio station – might also come to mind. But for parents, the disturbances in the back seat(s) can…

Metaphor for Life (and Driving): Stay in your Lane

Ever seen a car next to you coming over into your lane? Or driving smack in the middle of two lanes? Or worse, coming straight at you IN your lane? Good for a nice little heart attack. It happens more often than I care to say. I find myself wondering what the heck that driver is thinking. Clearly,…

Texting While Driving: You Are an Idiot

Idiot. Jackass. Jerk. Moron. You pick. That’s you if you’re texting on, looking at or even holding your phone while driving. Straight up. We’re getting further away from the days when cell phones didn’t exist. And now we can’t put them down when we’re at a restaurant, in a movie theater or behind…