Litter Bugs Beware
July 19, 2019Common Courtesy,Safety
I have to say, I’m always amazed that just when I think I have run out of blog ideas another one just drops in my lap. Or in this case, on the road. You can always count on bad drivers to give you material. Today, my subject is throwing trash out the window of your car. What Neanderthal would do…
Scoot On Out of My Way
Lime. Spin. Bird. Jump. Raise your hand if you’ve ever almost run over someone on one of these: Yeah, me too. Kid was on the far side of a Suburban (gigantic SUV) and essentially invisible to me. Nearly ran him down. This “micro-mobility” trend (yup, you heard that right), according to the…
Distracted Driving: Kids
June 16, 2019Distracted Driving,Safety
Distracted driving. When we hear the phrase, we tend to immediately think of texting. A few other front-seat actions that take our eyes and attention off the road – looking up directions, changing a radio station – might also come to mind. But for parents, the disturbances in the back seat(s) can…
Rain Driving: The Fast and the Slow of It
Rain, rain go away. Come again another day. Ok, so everyone knows, driving is even more treacherous when you add rain to the mix. AAA says that “wet pavement contributes to nearly 1.2 million traffic crashes per year!” What drives me crazy is both the drivers that don’t slow down enough to account…
School Bus? STOP!
I just watched a rather disturbing report on the “Today Show” about a driver in Minnesota who completely ignored the red flashing lights and extended stop arm protruding from the side of a school bus and nearly ran over a child crossing the road to board. Idiot. And, near murderer. Oh, and the…
Ridiculous Roundabouts
It would appear VERY FEW PEOPLE in America know how to properly navigate a traffic circle, or roundabout. via GIPHY If I have to sit behind another person who either won’t go or just inches out like they’re dipping their toe in a freezing cold pool, I’m gonna scream! via GIPHY Lots of different…
Highway as Daytona International Speedway
You may wonder why I haven’t written about this rather obvious topic before now. Well, let’s just say, I fancy myself an “efficient” driver. And by efficient, I mean I drive with focus, and without hesitation. Ok, I speed. But I do have my limits. (You see what I did there?!) via GIPHY I have…
The Hazards of Hazard Lights
How drivers use their hazard lights doesn’t drive me quite as crazy as a lot of other things on the roads. But I am perplexed when I see people driving normally – seemingly – with their hazard lights on. Doesn’t that sort of defeat the purpose for which they are intended? via GIPHY Robert Thomson…
Mind the Ginormous Gap
April 14, 2019Left Lane,Common Courtesy
I like to think of myself as an “efficient” driver. I maneuver around other cars on the road – safely, of course – to keep moving toward my destination. Often times, I find myself in the left, AKA fast, lane. And there is little else that drives me quite as crazy – ok, who am I kidding? – than…
Traffic Light Hang-Backers
Have you ever sat at a red traffic light behind someone who is too far back from the stop line? And, the light stays red and stays red and stays red….? via GIPHY According to, “At most traffic lights and turn signals, you will notice a loop of wire buried in the pavement of the…